Tuesday, January 20, 2015


What is a Rebus?
A rebus is an illusional device that uses pictures to represent words or parts of words.
This rebus is telling a story. The story reads: Judy wore her best dress and shoes and her new hat to church. In primary Sister Gomez taught Judy that Jesus had died on the cross and that He rose again. Because He did.Sister Gomez said if they obeyed the commandments, Judy and her family could live with Jesus and Heavenly Father one day. Judy was happy to hear that! She loves her family, Jesus, and Heavenly Father.
This picture has two separate rebus. The meaning of each rebus is labeled on the picture.
This rebus is a little more complicated to understand than the others. It says: Do not leave the boxing ring. 


What is a Pictogram?
A pictogram is an ideogram that conveys its meaning through its pictorial resemblance to a physical object; a pictorial symbol for a word or phrase.
This pictogram is the symbol for women and men. The left figure has a dress, which indicates that it is women. The right figure doesn't have a dress, which indicates men, since men don't usually wear dresses.

This sign usually stands for no smoking. The cigarette represents smoking, and the red circe with a cross through it indicates that it is banned, or not allowed.
This pictogram means handicap. This sign is placed near parking spaces, restrooms, etc. to indicate that it is made for handicapped people.


What is a Calligram?
A calligram is a poem, phrase, or word in which the typeface, calligraphy, or handwriting is arranged in a way that creates a visual image.
This calligram is a picture of a snake. Inside the snake, Georgian script is written.

This calligram shows a can of Coke. It has many words and sentences related to it ike "enjoy Coke!!" and "havin a glass of Coke"
This calligram is a picture of a seahorse formed by the word "seahorse" repeated many times.

Alphabet - a standard set of letters used to write one or more language

Street Sign- a type of traffic sign used to identify roads, generally those that don't qualify as expressways or highways

Advertisement- a paid announcement on television, radio, etc. tat calls the attention of the public

Constellation- a group or cluster of stars that form a pattern

ASCII symbols- American standard code for information interchange; most common format for text file on computers

Electronic Symbols- a pictogram used to represent various electrical and electronic devices

Morse Code- a method of transmitting text information as a series of on-off tones, lights, or clicks

American Sign Language- the predominant sign language of deaf communities in the U.S and english parts of Canada

Glyph- an elemental symbol within an agreed set of symbols, intended to represent a readable character for the purposes of writing and expressing thoughts.